Biomagnetic Therapy

An Effective Holistic Health Technique

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Discover the Power of Alternative Healing

Biomagnetic pair therapy is a natural wellness technique developed by Mexican physician Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran based on the application of small magnets to different parts of the body to detect imbalances in our pH levels that can cause viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

​The magnets help reset those pH levels which helps to restore the body's natural balance, not only providing relief from symptoms but correcting the root cause of many health issues.

While not officially promoted as a "cure-all" practice, biomagnetic pair therapy can be used to treat a large (and growing) number of conditions, viruses, bacteria, fungi and diseases. Find out more here.

Magnets being applied to client
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Ana Claridge

My Introduction To Biomagnetism

I'd been suffering from a chronic auto-immune disorder for about 7 years with symptoms such as frequent headaches, migraines, joint pains and stiffness, occasional dizziness and vertigo, and what eventually turned into severe palpitations, I'd pursued every possible avenue in traditional Western medicine to try and find answers but all to no avail.

After changing my approach and focusing on more holistic routes, I eventually came across biomagnetic therapy and it struck me as a "nothing to lose" option. Non-invasive, non-medicated, painless, quick -- and highly promising, according to what I started to read. Many of the clients having seen the same therapist I saw had mentioned some form of relief, ranging from a mild improvement in symptoms to complete,100% remission. Naturally I was intrigued, so I took the plunge.

In the weeks leading up to my first session my palpitations had become unbearable. After that first session, they went away and never came back. That alone was worth the cost of the session and eased my skepticism, giving me validation that this technique is actually highly effective. I went back for two more sessions and the majority of my symptoms cleared up, and I saw a dramatic improvement in previous anxiety levels.

I was so drawn to this practice of biomagnetism that I had to pursue more. So, I sought out the very best practitioner and tutor in the business (Dr. Helena Guerrero; the "right-hand woman" of Dr. Goiz Duran) under whom I gained my certification as a biomagnetic pair therapist and I began to practice.

From my early sessions I saw results almost immediately, and I continue to do so every day. You can read some of the feedback from my clients here, or feel free to contact me to discuss what biomagnetic pair therapy can do for you. If you're comfortable with the practice and ready to schedule a session, send me a message here or call ​(813) 680-4576.

Thanks for visiting! Stay healthy.


Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran

" When an illness affects the body, two magnetic fields are created, one positive (acidic); one negative (alkaline). Health depends on tissue and cellular pH, whose values must remain close to neutral; they can be detected and balanced through the use of medium-intensity magnets.”

- Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran

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3903 Northdale Blvd. #100E, Tampa, FL 33624 ​