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Pest Control Services In Adelaide

Quick Same Day / Next Day Adelaide Pest Control

pest control in adelaide

We Provide Safe, Family Friendly Pest Control Method

Best Pest Control Treatment

Knowledgeable & Certified Technicians in Adelaide

Pest Control Prices For Adelaide

Comprehensive Pest Control Prices for Adelaide

Professional Pest Treatments Adelaide

Professional Treatments to Control your Pest Infestation!

local pest control adelaide

Local Pest Control Teams in Adelaide

Expert Local Pest Control In Adelaide

Tom’s Pest Control is your trusted ally against pests in Adelaide, with over two decades of combined experience. Our leading pest control services are designed to provide a clean, pest-free environment in residential and commercial properties.

The threat of this pest in South Australian should never be underestimaged. Subterranean termites, for example, are renowned for their underground lifestyle, where they construct intricate tunnel systems for transportation, brood storage, and food procurement.

These termite colonies can expand to include millions of individuals, all actively navigating through these passageways. The nests they inhabit resemble vast honeycomb structures, potentially spanning over a meter in diameter, with the capacity to establish new colonies at distances of up to 100 meters from the original site.

Given their vast numbers and extensive habitat range, subterranean termites pose a considerable threat, leading to devastating environmental and financial repercussions.

Are you suspicious of a possible infestation or feel it’s time to refresh your pest control measures? No worries! We’re here to help. Our highly skilled pest exterminator team in Adelaide is ready to tackle any pest issue that is impacting you.

We’re not just another pest control service in Adelaide. We’re your local experts and pride ourselves on being an affordable option.

When there is any sign of infestation, and you need pest control, Adelaide residents and businesses turn to Tom’s Pest Control for a reliable service that you can trust.

Professional and Affordable Adelaide Pest Control

At Tom’s Pest Control, we offer a comprehensive range of affordable pest control services to solve all types of pest infestation issues in Adelaide. Our service includes:

termite pest control adelaide

Termite Control
*from $299

termite barrier

Termite Barriers
*from $1800

Ant Control

Ant Control
*from $249

Bird Control

Bird Control
*from $349

bed bug control adelaide

Bed Bug Control
*from $349

Flea Control Adelaide

Flea Treatment
*from $249

fly pest control

Fly Control
*from $199

Fox Control Adelaide

Fox Trapping
*from $599

Mite Control adelaide

Mite Treatment
*from $259

Moth Pest Control Adelaide

Moth Control
*from $299

Possum Removal

Possum Control
*just $695

Spider Control Adelaide

Spider Control
*from $249

Rat Mice Control Adelaide

Rodent Control
*from $249

Affordable Adelaide Pest Control: Your Perfect Solution

Adelaide’s stunning landscapes and temperate, moist climate are a magnet for outdoor lovers. However, this attractive environment also becomes an ideal breeding spot for various household pests. Be it Glenelg, North Adelaide, Morphett Vale, or any other suburbs we cater to, Tom’s Pest Control has your Adelaide pest control covered.

Our experienced local pest control teams in Adelaide offer extensive coverage, servicing suburbs such as:

Adelaide’s stunning landscapes and temperate, moist climate are a magnet for outdoor lovers. However, this attractive environment also becomes an ideal breeding spot for various household pests. Be it Glenelg, North Adelaide, Morphett Vale, or any other suburbs we cater to, Tom’s Pest Control has your Adelaide pest control covered.

Our experienced local pest control teams in Adelaide offer extensive coverage, servicing suburbs such as:

From domestic Adelaide pest control treatments to professional pest control services for commercial and industrial properties, our team ensures swift and effective solutions. We take pride in providing:

  • Same day, affordable pest control for urgent infestations
  • Non-toxic pest control methods to ensure the safety of your family and pets.
  • General solutions covering pests from termites to bedbugs.
  • Emergency services for rapid pest removal.
  • Thermal imaging specialists to detect even the most hidden pests included with our services.
  • Backed by the best warranties in the industry.
  • Cheap pest control in Adelaide without sacrificing quality

Finding affordable pest control near me that also delivers leading services can be challenging, but the best Adelaide pest control is exactly what you can expect from TPC. Reach out to our expert exterminator Adelaide team at Tom’s Pest Control. Your satisfaction is our guarantee. Contact our pest exterminator Adelaide team today.

Adelaide Pest Control for Residences and Commercial Properties

Are troublesome pests causing chaos in your home or workspace, and posing potential health risks? Your search for a solution ends with Tom’s Pest Control.

As a leading pest management firm, we provide reliable, affordable pest control solutions to help you reclaim your space from unwanted visitors.

Our comprehensive pest control services extend to various sectors, offering specialised solutions for:​

  • Offices
  • Restaurant & Cafe
  • Hospital & Aged Care Facilities
  • The Pest Control Food Industry
  • Education Facilities
  • Asset & Facilities
  • Factory And Warehouses
  • Government Buildings
  • Farming And Agriculture
  • Strata Properties
  • Hospitality
  • Construction

Rely on our expert pest control services to address your pest concerns swiftly and effectively. Whether you require immediate pest control or seek a trustworthy pest control company in Adelaide, we’re just a phone call away.

Choose our affordable pest control services in Adelaide, which doesn’t mean a compromise on quality. Choose us for the best pest control in Adelaide that doesn’t compromise on quality.

Emergency Pest Control

Pest Treatments In Adelaide

From just $119

The Most Affordable Pest Control Service

Ant Control

Ant Pest Control Adelaide

From just $149

Full internal & external ant treatment

Rodent Control

Rodent Pest Control Adelaide

From just $249

Residential rodent treatment

Same Day Pest Control In Adelaide

We understand the urgency of pest infestations which is why we offer same day pest control services for Adelaide homes and businesses whenever we possibly can. Discovering termites in your wall, unwanted rodents in your ceiling cavity or dangerous spiders in your yard can be distressing, which is why we provide fast, same day pest control services. 

Our team can meet with you, inspect your property and same day pest control can be delivered so you, your family or your clients, co-workers and customers can feel safe. Don’t hesitate to call our pest exterminators in Adelaide and ask about our same day pest control services today.

Effective Pest Control Treatment in Adelaide

Tom’s Pest Control is more than just extermination. Apart from providing a high-quality, best pest control treatment in Adelaide, we work hard to understand the pest species. It’s not easy to study their motives, but we have a wealth of experience analysing their habits and behaviour.

Hence, we can help you with the best pest control strategy to remove them completely. Our industry-certified pest exterminators apply a systematic four-stage pest removal treatment that ensures a safe, healthy, and quality life.

Pest Control Inspection

Our pest removal procedure starts with a thorough pest inspection to ensure your property doesn’t become a breeding ground to unwanted pests. We examine the level of infestation, the type of pest species, the factors that cause infestation, and much more.

The use of the latest techniques and tools helps us to minutely identify the initial stage of infestation and help in applying the control measures at the earliest. We will provide you with detailed information on the extent of damage caused to your property and the most suitable removal techniques.

Our inspection report consists of finding details, photographs, recommendations for you if any, and the next course of action that suits the condition. 

Pest Control Treatment Plan

Based on the finding detail, we will tailor a custom pest removal plan. The plan includes the detail of the treatment procedures, the possible time limit, the expected result, and instructions to the inhabitants of the place.

We will help you with the long-term prevention techniques that will safeguard your property from future infestation.

Pest Treatment Extermination Procedure

Our pest control Adelaide specialists will perform the eradication task at your home and office in the most productive ways possible. We implement a mix of treatment methods based on the type of pest species, the extent of the infestation, and the possibilities of further damage.

We offer both chemical and non-chemical treatment methods. It includes various types of gels, sprays, dust, baits, traps, and many other techniques. Our products comply with the industry standard and are safe for your family and employees.

Prevention Measures And Tips

The treatment alone cannot be sufficient enough in the long run if you don’t follow ongoing prevention techniques to protect your property from pest attack. We will help you with all the necessary processes required to prevent further infestation.

Our time-proven tips and techniques ensure long-term pest-free, hygienic surroundings for your family, pets and staff. Following general tips like cleaning and regular maintenance of your home and office, yard, proper ventilation, blocking off access points and proper packaging of food and edibles, can limit the rate of breeding of pests in your surroundings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team at Tom’s Pest Control have answered some of our most frequently asked questions about our services and pest control process. For more information or for any further queries, contact us today.

Depending on the treatment, you can expect pest control services to vary. However, price is also dependent on the scale of the extermination or removal, as well as how big the space is that needs servicing.  At Tom’s Pest Control, we’re dedicated to providing superior services for affordable prices, and therefore, we’re happy to discuss prices with our customers when it comes to inspection, extermination, and both commercial and domestic pest control in Adelaide. Contact us for more information about pricing.

Put simply, yes. It is essential to safeguard your Adelaide home or business from pests that can cause structural damage, spread disease and present danger to your family or your clients and customers.

How does pest control work? With TPC, we operate on a three-pronged approach. The first is prevention. The best way to get rid of pests is to stop them in their tracks, which we can do with systems like termite reticulation and other modern, effective methods.

Secondly, it is vital to have regular inspections to see if there are any pests lurking where you might not be able to see them. We have numerous clients ask how can I prevent a pest problem? The easy answer is to schedule these annual inspections so we can get right on top of any minor issues before they become major ones.

Finally, TPC is available for immediate and emergency action when an infestation has taken hold and threatens your Adelaide property.

If you suspect a pest problem in your home or business, there are several signs to look out for. One of the most obvious indicators is the presence of droppings. Pests often frequent certain areas and leave behind faeces. Additionally, pests can cause visible damage to buildings, furniture, and other items. Certain pests also emit distinct odours that can be a clear sign of their presence.

You might also find materials that pests use for nests. Seeing a pest, especially during the day, is another clear sign of an infestation. At times, you may hear noises such as scratching or scurrying which can indicate the presence of pests. Some pests leave tracks or trails that can be spotted if you know what to look for.

Finding dead bugs in your premises can signify a larger problem. Holes and gnaw marks are often indications of rodents. Lastly, if you or others start experiencing increased allergy symptoms, it could be due to dust mites and other pests. If you notice any of these signs, it’s recommended to get in touch with a pest control professional.

After any pest control treatment, our team of experts at Tom’s Pest Control will walk you through how to ensure that your treatment process continues to work without any unnecessary disruptions. We’ll provide you with a set of instructions which are vital for you to follow as well as a safety sheet that will provide you with further information. After pest control spray, we recommend that you avoid mopping the edges of internal walls for the first couple of weeks to ensure that the process continues to work successfully. However, you can still clean and vacuum both the interior and exterior of your property.

Understanding who is responsible for pest control when renting is a tricky task. Often, conflicts arise between landlords and tenants when determining who is responsible for paying for the service. In Australia, the responsibility is down to interpretation and what kind of pest is infesting the property. Usually, if a tenant has pets, then pests like fleas become the tenant’s responsibility. However, if moving into a home and you find that the property is infested with rats, mice or termites, then it’s often the landlord who must pay for extermination or removal services.

We understand that timing can be an important factor as you may think that pest control can be an inconvenience to your daily routine. At Tom’s Pest Control, the duration of our treatments is dependent on individual cases. While a regular pest infestation treatment may take up to 30 minutes, pest control with an active infestation may take an hour or longer. Hence, after an inspection of your property and an assessment of the infestation issue, we’ll be able to estimate how long the treatment may take. For more information on timing and services, contact us today.

General pest control in Adelaide can last months, however, one treatment does not guarantee a lifetime of defence from these pests. Instead, it’s important that treatments are done regularly. At Tom’s Pest Control, we recommend quarterly scheduled visits to ensure your property is protected all year round. However, the effects of pest control are also dependent on what kind of pest we’re dealing with. For more information on our pest control services, contact our team today.

When considering what to expect when getting pest control, it’s important to understand that both residential and commercial properties can fall victim to various types of pests. These pests can cause significant damage to your property and spread harmful germs. Thankfully, professional pest control services can safely eradicate these nuisances without posing any risk to your property.

Pest control specialists are equipped to deal with a wide range of pests, each requiring a unique approach for effective elimination. Services commonly provided include ant control, treatment for bed bugs and beetles, bird management, borer control, cockroach extermination, flea and fly control, fox trapping, mite control, insect management, moth control, possum removal techniques, rat extermination, silverfish treatment, termite management, wasp control solutions, and end-of-lease pest control.

You can protect your home by customising your approach to pests such as termites, insects, and vermin. Many pest control companies will provide a checklist.

Keeping a clean residence is the first step toward keeping pests away, including thorough and regular cleaning of your residential or commercial property. This includes moving furniture to clean underneath and away from walls so they can be properly scrubbed as well. 

The team at TPC Adelaide is here around the clock for your pest control needs. However, prevention is always the best policy, and planning regular checks and treatments annually can help prevent pest issues from spiraling out of control. If you need any help or advice, our team is here for you. Come and have a chat and we will help you develop a plan that will keep your Adelaide home or business free from pests.

It’s not uncommon to see a pest after a treatment. Pest control products can take some time to fully affect the pests. In fact, you may see more pests immediately after treatment as they are driven out from their hiding places. However, if you continue to notice pests several days or weeks after treatment, it could indicate that the infestation was larger than initially thought, or that they have become resistant to the treatment used. In such cases, it’s recommended to contact Tom’s Pest Control for a follow-up visit or a different treatment plan.

While there’s long been a myth that pest control isn’t safe for pets, it’s possible to successfully deal with pests without posing health risks to your pets. When we treat a property, we advise all people and pets to vacate for 2 hours afterwards, then it’s fine to come back in, everything will have dried and settled. In fact, our professional pest control is considered much safer than do-it-yourself methods, which often involve chemicals that can be harmful if not used correctly.

Make your environment healthy and pest-free

Call us today on (08) 8876 5311 or use our online form to let us know the pest issues at your property in Adelaide. Get an obligation-free quote from us and take steps to make your Adelaide property environmentally healthy and pest free.

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