
Farm Management Software Australia

Farm Management Software tailored for Australian Producers.

Phoenix is unrivalled in the agricultural software industry in terms of its ability to cover an entire rural production system - integrating data from farm financials through to production.

MA & JF Montgomery
 â€“ Moree, NSW
JH Rice & Co
 â€“ Parkes, NSW
Expedition Pastoral
 â€“ Arcadia Valley, Qld





Software Tailored to Agriculture

Modular Product Suite

Our modular product suite allows you to choose and pay for only the modules that you require in your operation.

An Integrated Solution

Phoenix software integrates across a variety of rural applications with capabilities that are unrivalled in the industry.

Designed Specifically for Agriculture

Designed and developed specifically for the Australian agricultural industry, Phoenix speaks your language, not that of an accountant.

Industry Leading Training & Support

The Phoenix support team is proudly patient and understanding while delivering prompt problem resolution unrivalled in the industry.

Our Partners

Paul McNulty - Goondiwindi, QLD

Trusted Farming Software

Desktop or Cloud Hosted Solution

While there are loads of benefits to using our cloud hosted solution, a lot of our customers operate in remote areas with limited internet access.

Performance & Cost Analysis

Record and analyse data to understand what drives performance in your business and influences your bottom line.

Safe & Secure Data Management

All Phoenix subscribers have access to online storage - Desktop users have access to Warehouse.

Compliance & Audits

From financial ATO compliance, to EU livestock exporting compliance, and so much more, the Phoenix suite will simplify and strengthen your compliance requirements.

Farm Smarter with Phoenix

Make more informed decisions with integrated data and reporting across the Phoenix suite.
One Package. Multiple integrations.

Our Customers

Our customers are the ones who overcoming challenges and achieving great things in agriculture, our software is just a tool to help them do this.

